This program is also very unique for its involvement with non-profit organization, J.J. Express Magazine and Editor, Jenny Chen. Chelsey explains that “working with another organization has been very exciting because by bringing two missions together we are strengthening the effects of our own.” Through J.J. Express the teens are creating a social issue comic book and designing everything from the cover to the story line. Once the teens have their stories put together, revolving around social issues, we send them out to J.J. Express which relays them to global artist all over the world to illustrate what the teens came up with. The teens are very excited to see their stories come to life through this process.
Aside from our social issue explorations, the teens are also learning important job readiness skills such as creating a resume and practicing their introductions and handshakes to give them a strong first impression when they enter the job force. Even further, the teens are very excited to be learning about screen-printing and how to make their own t-shirts on weekly basis (which will be on sale at the final reception – funds going towards the group’s favorite Silver Spring charity - TBD). Another weekly activity includes field trips to various destinations around Baltimore and Silver Spring. Just this past week, a trip was taken to Baltimore’s Artscape Event. Other field trips include: the Discovery Communications building, Non-profit Organization Whole Foods, Comic Book Alliance, Etc.
The Teens are also very excited for their final exhibition which will be occurring on July 29th at 1pm in the Pyramid Atlantic Art Center. All are invited! The teens will be learning everything from how to hang their own exhibition to formally inviting the public to their reception. We all ask that anyone who finds this program interesting to please come by to see all of our hard work.
Y.E.S. Program Final Reception
Pyramid Atlantic Art Center
8230 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring MD 20910
Thursday, July 29th at 1:00PM
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